Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

The Sun

Pulling the sun card as the next major arcana tarot card was kismet as I was looking for an excuse to paint sunflowers. Other artists have used sunflowers-a symbol of Ukraine- in their art to show their support and sympathy for the atrocities in Ukraine in this year 2022. In the past…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley


Do we need to feel the thorns to spark our strength? Are the cuts on her arm self inflicted or scratches from the rose, newly added? Or are the thorns the adversity that shows you your strength? Does it grow up around you slowly or come at you suddenly? And because I grieved…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

The Fool

I have decided, dear Reader, though I cant recall why, to paint the 78 cards of the Tarot. I am a fool on this journey. I know nothing to begin which is the best place to begin…

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