Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

King of Wands

You want to pull the lightning down
from the wild crackle of the universe
and pass it through yourself,
grounding yourself,
channeling it so all that energy
can light your community.
This is not about your individuation.
This is not about your trauma,
Or your psyche.
This is not about you!
You are only the leader.
You are the conduit.

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Five of Wands

Where did we get our passion, our fire? Myths around the world tell us how fire was stolen and brought to man. In SouthAfrica, Ikaggen the mantis steals fire from an ostrich. The Mazatec of Mexico tell of a fire stealing possum. The  Algonquins, native Americans, say it was a rabbit. The Australians talk of a crow who stole the fire. And we all know about Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give to us. Did you know his name literally means 'forethought'?

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Four Of Cups

Do I need to put up more emotional barriers or take them down? The answer is yes. Do I need to let go of my discontent or is it what drives me? The answer is yes. Should I look for that fourth cup or am I too overwhelmed with the three? The answer is yes. Should I break out of my box or is it a good safe place to retreat to when the emotions are too intense? And again...the answer is yes. Sigh.

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Knight of Coins

My lifes theme, these last few months, has been bees. We had two hives, but one persnickety hive kept making little queens who would swarm at inopportune times, and now we have four. Some swarms ended up too far and too high to retrieve and I imagine we are gifting them to other gardens. When possible…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley


Reaching up, you are reaching down, turning. Your roots dig deep into the nurturing mud, turning. Your body swims up through the living waters towards the light growing, turning….

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Three of Wands

Reaching up, you are reaching down, turning. Your roots dig deep into the nurturing mud, turning. Your body swims up through the living waters towards the light growing, turning….

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Ace of Cups

Reaching up, you are reaching down, turning. Your roots dig deep into the nurturing mud, turning. Your body swims up through the living waters towards the light growing, turning….

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Knight of Wands

Hey! Were you thinking why the heck is that dude riding a salamander? Are those butterflies on fire or are they morphing from fire? Well, here's the whole spiel
Salamanders can actually survive a short stint in the inferno of a fire. Our knight…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

the Hermit

Withdraw. Find yourself in yourself. Dig into the clay of your being for the philosophers stone. Do not look for truths on the mirror on the face of another. Cast your own guide before you this dark night. Does the light come from within…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley


When the waters dry up, when they flood, when they fertilize and quench, when they drown, when they are both possibilities at the same time, observed or unobserved, She is Justice.

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Three of Cups

poem coming soon to a computer near you- meanwhile here is the beginning of the history and idea of this painting…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Three of Swords

I am pierced by sorrow. I am the storm. My tears, poring into the ocean, anoint my soul. I am broken,
I am rendered. Light that couldn't permeate….

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Ten of Swords

Flying at the light again and again
Stupid little moth
It's overkill of something already killed
There's nothing you can do now
That's a relief: Releasing control
Lay it down…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

The Tower

Catastrophy, are you a thing made by mans hubris? Or the capris of the Universe?
will I be lost, in the tower of my fears? or will you crack me open to let in the light?

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Six of Wands

Sorrow nimbley wanders the path through the old rose bush thorns. Eventually you find the courage to climb back out onto the mountain. Dream images carry you up, and hope circles your neck with yellow roses, lit by…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Seven of Coins

Wait a while for the next phase, the right moment, take a step back to consider. You don't want your wine too sweet or bitter. Look with experienced evaluation. Risk is crows dark on the horizon, rain clouds saturation….

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley


The Emperor's crown is the weight of mountains. He is a moment in time and he is forever. He is the axis. He is in balance. He is deep water. He is dry earth cracked in the patterns of his skin. There is confident symmetry…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Eight of Swords

Every blade is a choice not chosen. Up against the wall you are frozen. Who threw those knives at you? Did you stand yourself against the wall? Did you bind your mind? In the darkness of your blindfold are you lost or…

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

Queen of Swords

A month ago I found out my mothers skeleton was riddled with holes caused by multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. As her medical POA, I had to decide …

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Sharon Eisley Sharon Eisley

The Chariot

The charioteer has found their groove. They are in the flow of the path they are meant to be on.
They control the direction with their mind and spirit, not the reins. They have found the middle path between yin and yang where life is…

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