Cranking Out New Work
“One Less Thing To Worry About”
The next big plan is to get a new wordpress site where I can post more than 16 images. If only I could just extend the one I have instead of repopulating a whole new site! Alas dear reader I fear there are days, maybe weeks, of tedious frustrating switching over time. There are paintings I have made and sold before they ever had a chance to adorn the virtual walls of this website! You can always go find my work on facebook at Sharon Eisley Art. Everyone can be my friend there as I have a separate personal site. Two large paintings in particular- "Inside" and "Native" I sold at the last opening in Denver at Valkarie gallery and don't appear in this bundle of images.But right now I am setting most everything else in my life to a back burner so I can release all these ideas for paintings out from my head while my sons are still in school. Not that I can't get anything done when they are out- it's just that the smaller one will interrupt me every 10 minutes, and the larger one every 20 minutes. Here is some new work that needs archiving:"Enough" about 3 feet wide